Thursday, June 27, 2013

I'm baccckkkkk

I have a procrastination problem which feeds my anxiety issues which leads to complete productivity shut downs. There has to be some sort of pill for that. So my blog has suffered greatly. I had so much I wanted to write, but no idea where to start. Well, today's the day. Time to dust this thing off.

Late in pregnancy I decided that I wanted to blog again. This time it would be about everything! Some cooking, some motherhood, and some crafts. Well, now I'm a mom and who has time for crafts? Not me. But we do have to eat, so I am still cooking. So let's catch-up for a second, and then I'll get this blog rolling.

What's new since I baked fun-fetti truffles two and a half years ago? Was that how long ago my last post was? I forget. So much is new! I was vegetarian for about a year and now I'm at the polar opposite end of the spectrum eating like a caveman on the Paleo diet. Hey, whatever works. I still feel badly for the piggies, but I'm eating them. Sorry piggies. I also had a baby! But you knew that already. Elliot. Oh Elliot. He is the light of my life. You know that song "You are my sunshine". I know that song was written about a child. Because only a child can make you happy when skies are gray. He's perfect. I could go on and on about how he amazes me on a daily basis, and I will. That's what a blog is for, right?

So, that's my plan. Write about Elliot, being a mom and cooking. Maybe some more stuff in between because this time I'm not limiting my topics. I'll start with catching up on the last 7 months with Elliot and throw in some recipes here and there. I hope you'll stay and enjoy my little blog. 

love love. 
