Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Butterscotch Monkey Bread

As mentioned in my last post, this was the second treat I made while at Lake Burton. This didn't turn out as expected, but I liked this version better. Traditionally, Monkey Bread is in the shape of a tube pan. You typically use uncooked biscuits which end up sticking to one another and filling out the tube pan. I used frozen dinner rolls, so the expanding and sticking together didn't happen. Instead of having a cake shape of bread that had to be torn apart to eat, we had a bowl of yummy sticky rolls. I honestly think it was easier to serve this way, so I'll be doing it again. This would be great to enjoy with the family during the Macy's parade tomorrow or maybe on Christmas morning. I hope you enjoy it!

Butterscotch Monkey Bread
2 trays of Sister Schubert frozen dinner rolls
1 box (3 3/4 oz) butterscotch pudding mix (not instant)
1/2 c butter
3/4 c brown sugar
3/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 c chopped pecans
Crisco (to grease your tube pan)

The night before you want to serve these, arrange the dinner rolls in a greased tube or bundt pan. Sprinkle the dry pudding mix on top. Over low heat, cook the butter, brown sugar, cinnamon and pecans until bubbly. Evenly pour the mixture over the rolls. Cover with aluminum foil or saran wrap. Allow to sit on the counter overnight. The  next morning, uncover and bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Dump the rolls into a bowl and serve!

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